MySQL : Truncate Table

Truncate Table Statement in MySQL Database The TRUNCATE statement in MySQL database is used to remove all rows (data) from a table quickly and efficiently, without any individual row deletions. This command is useful when we want to reset a table to its empty state . TRUNCATE operates at a higher level, essentially deallocating the … Read more

MySQL : Rename Table

Rename Table in MySql Database. To RENAME an existing table in MySQL database, we can use the ALTER TABLE statement.This command allows us to change the name of a table without losing any data or affecting table structure. For instance, if we have a table named ‘users’ and want to rename it to ‘admin’, we … Read more

MySQL : Show Tables

Show Tables in MySql Database Basic Syntax: SHOW TABLES; When executed, this command will display the list of tables in the currently selected database. To view the tables from a different database, you need to switch to that database first using the USE command. Here’s how you can do that: 1 – Switch to the … Read more

MySQL : Create Table

Create Table in MySQL Database: CREATE TABLE statement is use to create table in the database. Here is the basic syntax to create table… CREATE TABLE table_name ( column_name1 datatype constraints, column_name2 datatype constraints, column_name3 datatype constraints, … ); Example: Here we are creating a table named students that stores student information like id, name, … Read more

MySQL Update Statement

SQL Update Statement : SQL Update statement use to update the column value in the table. The SQL Update Statement is a powerful command used to modify existing records in a database table. It allows you to change the values of one or more columns for specific rows based on certain conditions. The basic syntax … Read more

SQL SELECT Statement

SQL SELECT Statement : SQL SELECT statement use to retrieve the data from table. syntax : To Retrieve All Data SELECT * FROM table_name; To Retrieve Specific column by using column name: SELECT column_name_1,column_name_2,column_name_1 FROM table_name; Table Name : users It will return.. It will return.. SQL SELECT DISTINCT Statement The SELECT DISTINCT statement is used to … Read more

Most Important SQL Commands

The Most Important SQL Commands :SQL commands are indeed widely used for inserting, searching, updating, and deleting database records. Here’s a brief explanation of how SQL facilitates these operations: SELECT : Select statement is use to Retrieves data from a database table. It allows users to specify which columns you want to retrieve and can … Read more

What is SQL

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is a standard programming language designed for managing and querying relational databases. SQL allows users to store, manipulate, and retrieve data stored in a relational database management system (RDBMS).Here are some key points about SQL: Database Management: SQL is primarily used to manage data within databases. It provides … Read more